By Didsbury Arts Festival on Monday, 03 June 2024
Category: News

Record breaking attendance at DAF2023

Over 10,000 people attended the over 100 events that made up Didsbury Arts Festival in 2023, making it the most popular iteration of the festival so far!

Huge audiences packed out many of the events, including over 1000 people taking their seats in the extraordinary Flight (the immersive experience in the large white shipping container parked outside Didsbury library), whilst less visible, but no less impactful projects like The Girl and the Dragon theatre show and numerous artist-led workshops took place in local schools, local schoolchildren displayed their art in the local shops and businesses, and bands, poets, artists, performers and musicians all presented or played their work in so many of our churches, pubs, libraries, galleries, bars and sports venues.

Click here to see or remember what it looked like...

So a huge thank you to all our amazing volunteers who gave up so much time to help us make it all work, to all the wonderful venues in and around Didsbury, to everyone who shared their art work, to all the brilliant traders and businesses in Didsbury and around who supported the festival, to all our brilliant sponsors and patrons especially our Gold Sponsors Siemens, ABA and Arts Council England, and particularly to you, the amazing audiences and communities who came out to see, hear, share and witness everything that went on.

We hope you enjoyed it, we hope you told other people about it, and we hope you are looking forward to getting involved again, next time...

See you then!

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